Friday, June 13, 2008

Alot of Stuff

First, today is Friday the 13th. Scary. Hope there isnt much bad luck.

Second, I have had this blog for 3 years!!!!! Go me!

Third, the first book review. The very first book is Adam Canfield of the Slash by Micheal Winerip. This book is about a school newspaper, the Slash, and it's editor, Adam Canfield. Adam and the rest of the newspaper team find a mystery about a mysterious sum of money left to the school. The team solves the mystery and produces a few excellent articles along the way.This is a fiction mystery book. If you like this book you will also like the book The Old Willis Place by Mary Downing Hahn. Check it out.


It's SUMMER!!! I am so excited. It is hot out and I can go swimming and do fun things outside. I got like five awards at the end of school. Sorry I haven't been writing lately. I sorta forgot that I have a blog, but that's okay. So to keep things sorta school related [because you know it's called a school story] I am officialy changing my blog into a book reveiw blog. So you all can find books you want to read here. Have an awesome summer!!!

laugher, talker, human :)